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PP(Polypropylene) capsule filter / PP캡슐필터 > 기타/소모품

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  • PP(Polypropylene) capsule filter / PP캡슐필터
  • Blue Pipet Tips – 1,000 ul / 기본형 팁 (1000 ul)
  • Beaker, Jacketed, Conical bottom / 이중자켓비이커코니칼형
  • Pipette Holders / 피펫홀더
  • Bunsen Burner for All Gases / 모든가스용분젠가스버너
  • PFA Narrow-mouth Bottles with Stopcock / 콕크부PFA세구병
  • Premium alumina crucible/lid set compare to Netzsch 399972/399973   / Netzsch타입 알루미나 도가니&리드
  • 비파괴방식 재료수분 측정기 (Testo616)
  • PTFE & PFA brushes / PTFE&PFA브러쉬
  • Micro Pipette Stands
  • FSR2, Filtering Storage Refrigerator/ 필터형 냉장시약장
  • Nessler Stands / 비색관대
  • PFA Syringe holder / PFA시린지홀더
  • Standard aluminum sample pans compare to Netzsch 40uL / Netzsch타입40uL스탠다드알루미늄샘플팬&리드
  • Eppendorf Combitips pipet tips / 에펜도르프Combitips팁
  • Pan, Cover, Brush for Sieve / 망체용 팬, 커버, 브러쉬
  • Tube Rack, Microtube , 6Hole, 12Hole/ 튜브 랙, 마이크로튜브랙, 6홀, 12홀
  • Portable Hand Cart / 휴대용 핸드 카트
  • PFA gas washing bottles / PFA가스세척병
  • Media Bottle, Clear & Amber / 메디아병,투명 갈색
  • Scintillation Vial Rack / 신틸레이션바이알랙
  • Safety Plunger Cans / 플런저형안전용기
  • Vanadium pentoxide, 500 g, CAS# 1314-62-1
  • D.O.T. Approved Transport Cans / D.O.T안전용기

상품간략정보 및 구매기능

PP(Polypropylene) capsule filter / PP캡슐필터

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Sterlitech
판매사 (주)코리아사이언스
브랜드 -
배송비결제 구매금액이 100,000원 이하인 경우 배송비 3,500원이 자동 결제됩니다.
상품코드 1526445695


[1470271] Polypropylene Membrane Capsule Filter, 0.2 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.9sqft, OAL: 12.0in (CMPM9259MM)  + 551,100원
[1470267] Polypropylene Membrane Capsule Filter, 0.2 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 3.0sqft, OAL: 8.1in (CMPM9230MM)  + 427,800원
[1470310] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 0.2 Micron Nominal, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.9sqft, OAL: 11.5in  + 324,500원
[1470137] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 0.65 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 3.5in (CFAP9608RR)  + 217,000원
[1470143] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 0.65 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.8in (CFAP9627YY)  + 317,400원
[1470142] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 0.65 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.4in (CFAP9627WW)  + 298,000원
[1470141] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 0.65 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 7.6in (CFAP9627RR)  + 314,900원
[1470140] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 0.65 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 9.1in (CFAP9627LL)  + 317,400원
[1470139] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 0.65 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.7in (CFAP9608YY)  + 236,400원
[1470138] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 0.65 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.3in (CFAP9608WW)  + 217,000원
[1470136] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 0.65 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 5.0in (CFAP9608LL)  + 236,400원
[1470072] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 1.0 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.3in (CFAP0108RL)  + 226,700원
[1470077] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 1.0 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.1in (CFAP0127MM)  + 298,000원
[1470080] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 1.0 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.8in (CFAP0127YY)  + 317,400원
[1470079] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 1.0 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.4in (CFAP0127WW)  + 298,000원
[1470078] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 1.0 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 7.6in (CFAP0127RR)  + 298,000원
[1470076] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 1.0 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 9.1in (CFAP0127LL)  + 317,400원
[1470071] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 1.0 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.0in (CFAP0108MM)  + 217,000원
[1470075] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 1.0 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.7in (CFAP0108YY)  + 236,400원
[1470070] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 1.0 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 5.0in (CFAP0108LL)  + 236,400원
[1470082] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 2.0 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 5.0in (CFAP0208LL)  + 236,400원
[1470084] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 2.0 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.3in (CFAP0208WW)  + 217,000원
[1470090] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 2.0 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.7in (CFAP0252YY)  + 474,000원
[1470089] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 2.0 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.3in (CFAP0252WW)  + 474,000원
[1470088] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 2.0 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 13.0in (CFAP0252LL)  + 474,000원
[1470087] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 2.0 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 7.6in (CFAP0227RR)  + 298,000원
[1470086] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 2.0 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 9.1in (CFAP0227LL)  + 317,400원
[1470085] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 2.0 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.7in (CFAP0208YY)  + 236,400원
[1470083] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 2.0 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.3in (CFAP0208RL)  + 226,700원
[1470100] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 3.0 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.7in (CFAP0352YY)  + 474,000원
[1470099] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 3.0 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.3in (CFAP0352WW)  + 474,000원
[1470098] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 3.0 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 11.5in (CFAP0352RR)  + 474,000원
[1470095] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 3.0 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.1in (CFAP0327MM)  + 298,000원
[1470097] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 3.0 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 7.6in (CFAP0327YY)  + 317,400원
[1470096] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 3.0 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 7.6in (CFAP0327RR)  + 298,000원
[1470094] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 3.0 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.7in (CFAP0308YY)  + 236,400원
[1470091] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 3.0 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 5.0in (CFAP0308LL)  + 236,400원
[1470108] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 5.0 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.0in (CFAP0552MM)  + 336,900원
[1470110] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 5.0 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.7in (CFAP0552YY)  + 356,300원
[1470109] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 5.0 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.3in (CFAP0552WW)  + 336,900원
[1470104] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 5.0 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.1in (CFAP0527MM)  + 314,900원
[1470107] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 5.0 Micron,1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.8in (CFAP0527YY)  + 317,400원
[1470106] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 5.0 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.4in (CFAP0527WW)  + 298,000원
[1470105] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 5.0 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 7.6in (CFAP0527RR)  + 314,900원
[1470101] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 5.0 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 5.0in (CFAP0508LL)  + 236,400원
[1470103] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 5.0 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.3in (CFAP0508WW)  + 217,000원
[1470112] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 10 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet/Oulet , EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 9.1in (CFAP1027LL)  + 317,400원
[1470120] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 10 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.7in (CFAP1052YY)  + 356,300원
[1470119] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 10 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.3in (CFAP1052WW)  + 336,900원
[1470118] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 10 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 11.5in (CFAP1052RR)  + 336,900원
[1470113] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 10 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.1in (CFAP1027MM)  + 298,000원
[1470117] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 10 Micron, 1/5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.8in (CFAP1027YY)  + 317,400원
[1470115] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 10 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.4in (CFAP1027WW)  + 298,000원
[1470114] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 10 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 7.6in (CFAP1027RR)  + 298,000원
[1470116] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 10 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet, 1/4  + 317,400원
[1470111] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 10 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.7in (CFAP1008YY)  + 236,400원
[1470121] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 20 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 5.0in (CFAP2008LL)  + 236,400원
[1470127] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 20 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.0in (CFAP2052MM)  + 336,900원
[1470128] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 20 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.7in (CFAP2052YY)  + 356,300원
[1470126] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 20 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.8in (CFAP2027YY)  + 317,400원
[1470125] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 20 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 8.4in (CFAP2027WW)  + 298,000원
[1470124] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 20 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 7.6in (CFAP2027RR)  + 298,000원
[1470122] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 20 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.0in (CFAP2008MM)  + 217,000원
[1470130] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 40 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 4.3in (CFAP4008WW)  + 217,000원
[1470133] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 40 Micron, 3/8inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.0in (CFAP4052MM)  + 336,900원
[1470135] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 40 Micron, 1.5inch Sanitary Flange Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.7in (CFAP4052YY)  + 356,300원
[1470134] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 40 Micron, 1/2inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 12.3in (CFAP4052WW)  + 336,900원
[1470132] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 40 Micron, 1/4inch-1/2inch Hose Barb Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 5.2sqft, OAL: 13.0in (CFAP4052LL)  + 356,300원
[1470131] Polypropylene Media Capsule Filter, 40 Micron, 1/4inch MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 2.7sqft, OAL: 7.6in (CFAP4027RR)  + 298,000원


등록된 관련상품이 없습니다.

상품 정보





PP(Polypropylene) capsule filter / 




Polypropylene Capsule Filters have a broad chemical compatibility. Constructed with high purity polypropylene membranes, 

hardware, and supports, they are ideal for the filtration of aggressive gases, liquids, 

and solutions from a wide variety of chemical and engineering processes.


Sterlitech Polypropylene filter capsules may be sanitized with a variety of commonly used chemical agents. 

The capsules may be repeatedly autoclaved for up to 5 cycles. Sterlitech certifies that the materials contained in

 its Polypropylene Capsule filters meet U.S. FDA requirements for food contact under the applicable regulations in 21 CFR.


Sterlitech filter capsules are designed and manufactured for resistance to a wide range of chemical solutions. 

Conditions will vary with each application and users should carefully verify chemical compatibility. A

vailable in absolute micron ratings of 0.1 and 0.2.



High flow, highly hydrophobic polypropylene membrane

Ideal extractables, high throughput, long service life

100% polypropylene construction

Individually integrity tested during manufacturing












 * 수입 필요하며 진행 이후 취소, 교환, 환불이 불가합니다.

* 미국 본사에 재고가 있을 경우 정기발주일(목요일) 이후 2~3주 소요됩니다.(백오더시 별도 안내)


상품 정보 고시

항목 내용
제품소재 상세설명페이지 참고
색상 상세설명페이지 참고
치수 상세설명페이지 참고
제조자 상세설명페이지 참고
세탁방법 및 취급시 주의사항 상세설명페이지 참고
제조연월 상세설명페이지 참고
품질보증기준 상세설명페이지 참고
A/S 책임자와 전화번호 상세설명페이지 참고



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