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CF042 Forward Osmosis Cells *If you purchased the Delrin cell for traditional crossflow/tangential flow use before June 2013, and wish to convert it for use to
Forward Osmosis (FO) applications, you will need to purchase a Delrin FO cell top (SKU CF042-FO Top) and an FO upper stainless plate (SKU CF042-FO U).
**Please Note: In order to operate the CF042 FO cell, a feed flow pump is also required. We have three different pump options available – View our Pump Comparison Guide for help selecting one.
Forward Osmosis technology is most commonly used for an array of wastewater recycling and water reclamation applications. Areas in which an FO cell may be used include:
Water reclamation from oil and gas exploration Landfill wastewater Alternative energy/biogas wastewater Medical/dental wastewater Membrane bioreactors
Seawater desalination Radioactive wastewater Carpet manufacturing wastewater Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) to generate electricity Other uses for Forward Osmosis Cells:
Pretreatment for Reverse Osmosis procedure Concentrating juices (grape juice to wine, tomato paste) Pharmaceuticals Nutraceuticals
* 수입 필요하며 진행 이후 취소, 교환, 환불이 불가합니다.
* 미국 본사에 재고가 있을 경우 정기발주일(목요일) 이후 2~3주 소요됩니다.(백오더시 별도 안내)