코랩샵 KOLAB - 연구용 기자재, 실험용 기초 소모품 및 연구 장비 전문 쇼핑몰 메인

Absorption Cell, 2-Side Polished, Economy Type / 경제형흡광셀, 2면투명 > 기타 실험소모품

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  • Absorption Cell, 2-Side Polished, Economy Type / 경제형흡광셀, 2면투명

상품간략정보 및 구매기능

Absorption Cell, 2-Side Polished, Economy Type / 경제형흡광셀, 2면투명

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 YJ Optical
판매사 (주)코리아사이언스
브랜드 -
배송비결제 구매금액이 100,000원 이하인 경우 배송비 3,500원이 자동 결제됩니다.
상품코드 1477564215


[S18-203-002 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Cover 1mm, 0.4ml  + 85,500원
[ S18-203-004 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Cover 2mm, 0.7ml  + 69,400원
[S18-203-006] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Cover 5mm, 1.7ml  + 56,200원
[S18-203-008] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Cover 10mm, 3.5ml  + 56,200원
[ S18-203-010 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Cover 20mm, 7.0ml  + 69,400원
[S18-203-014 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Cover 40mm, 14.0ml   + 104,100원
[S18-203-016 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Cover 50mm, 17.5ml   + 120,300원
[S18-203-018 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Cover 100mm, 35.0ml  + 277,700원
[S18-203-802] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Cover 1mm, 0.4ml  + 16,300원
[ S18-203-804 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Cover 2mm, 0.7ml  + 13,900원
[S18-203-806 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Cover 5mm, 1.7ml  + 14,000원
[S18-203-808] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Cover 10mm, 3.5ml  + 8,500원
[S18-203-810 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Cover 20mm, 7.0ml  + 14,300원
[S18-203-814 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Cover 40mm, 14.0ml  + 16,600원
[S18-203-816 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Cover 50mm, 17.5ml  + 23,100원
[ S18-203-818 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Cover 100mm, 35.0ml  + 44,000원
[S18-203-020 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Stopper 1mm, 0.4ml  + 181,600원
[S18-203-022 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Stopper 2mm, 0.7ml  + 181,600원
[S18-203-024] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Stopper 5mm, 1.7ml  + 80,000원
[ S18-203-026 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Stopper 10mm, 3.5ml  + 80,000원
[S18-203-027 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Stopper 20mm, 7.0ml  + 93,600원
[ S18-203-028 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Stopper 40mm, 14.0ml   + 125,600원
[S18-203-030] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Stopper 50mm, 17.0ml  + 144,200원
[S18-203-820 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Stopper 1mm, 0.4ml  + 127,600원
[ S18-203-822 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Stopper 2mm, 0.7ml  + 127,600원
[ S18-203-824 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Stopper 5mm, 1.7ml   + 33,000원
[ S18-203-826 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Stopper 10mm, 3.5ml  + 29,000원
[S18-203-827] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Stopper 20mm, 7.0ml  + 32,700원
[S18-203-828 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Stopper 40mm, 14.0ml  + 50,600원
[S18-203-830 ] Absorption Cell Optical Glass, Stopper 50mm, 17.0ml  + 55,000원
[S18-203-050 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Cover 10mm, 1.4ml  + 80,000원
[ S18-203-062 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Black, Cover 10mm, 1.4ml  + 74,800원
[ S18-203-070 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Stopper 10mm, 1.4ml  + 90,900원
[S18-203-082 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Black, Stopper 10mm, 1.4ml  + 82,700원
[S18-203-116] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Cover 10mm, 0.7ml  + 80,000원
[S18-203-128 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Black, Cover 10mm, 0.7ml  + 74,800원
[S18-203-140] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Stopper 10mm, 0.7ml  + 90,900원
[S18-203-152 ] Absorption Cell UV Quartz, Black, Stopper 10mm, 0.7ml  + 82,700원
[S18-203-214 ] Rectangular Cell UV Quartz 2.5mm, 2.2ml  + 90,900원
[ S18-203-216 ] Rectangular Cell UV Quartz 5mm, 4.4ml  + 72,000원
[ S18-203-218 ] Rectangular Cell UV Quartz 10mm, 8.8ml  + 72,000원
[ S18-203-220 ] Rectangular Cell UV Quartz 20mm, 17.5ml  + 93,600원
[S18-203-222 ] Rectangular Cell UV Quartz 40mm, 35.0ml  + 130,900원
[S18-203-224] Rectangular Cell UV Quartz 50mm, 43.8ml  + 144,200원
[S18-203-226 ] Rectangular Cell UV Quartz 100mm, 87.5ml  + 326,000원
[S18-203-228 ] Rectangular Cell UV Quartz 200mm, 175.0ml  + 652,000원
[S18-203-236 ] Cylindercal Cell UV Quartz 10mm, 2.8ml  + 64,100원
[ S18-203-238 ] Cylindercal Cell UV Quartz 20mm, 5.6ml  + 82,700원
[S18-203-240 ] Cylindercal Cell UV Quartz 50mm, 14.0ml  + 114,700원
[S18-203-242] Cylindercal Cell UV Quartz 100mm, 28.0ml  + 163,000원


등록된 관련상품이 없습니다.

상품 정보

Standard Cell With PTFE Cover, Type 1 - UV Quartz

                • Standard Cell with PTFE Cover, Type 1 - Optical Glass

                                • Standard Cell with PTFE Cover, Type 21 - UV Quartz

                                              • Standard Cell with PTFE Cover, Type 21 - Optical Glass

                                                            • Semi-Micro Cell

                                                                    • Micro Cell

                                                                            • Rectangular Absorption meter Cell, Type 101

                                                                                            • Cylinderical Cell with PTFE Stopper, Type 32

Absorption Cell, 2-Side Polished, Economy Type /

경제형 흡광 셀, 2면 투명​

● YJ Optical







상품 정보 고시

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제품소재 상세설명페이지 참고
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치수 상세설명페이지 참고
제조자 상세설명페이지 참고
세탁방법 및 취급시 주의사항 상세설명페이지 참고
제조연월 상세설명페이지 참고
품질보증기준 상세설명페이지 참고
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