코랩샵 KOLAB - 연구용 기자재, 실험용 기초 소모품 및 연구 장비 전문 쇼핑몰 메인

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  • 제조사명 : 덕산약품공업(주)

Tetrahydrofuran Stabilized with 250ppm BHT, GR, 2.5 ℓ, CAS# 109-99-9

Tetrahydrofuran Stabilized with 250ppm BHT, GR, 4 ℓ, CAS# 109-99-9

Tetrahydrofuran Stabilized with 250ppm BHT, GR, 500 ㎖, CAS# 109-99-9

Tetrahydrofuran Stabilized with 250ppm BHT, HPLC, 4 ℓ, CAS# 109-99-9

Tetrahydrofuran, HPLC, 2.5 ℓ, CAS# 109-99-9

Tetrahydrofuran, HPLC, 4 ℓ, CAS# 109-99-9

Tetramethyl Ammonium Chloride, Extra Pure, 500 g, CAS# 75-57-0

Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 20%, ELH, 3.8 ℓ, CAS# 75-59-2

Tetrazolium Salt, Extra Pure, 25 g, CAS# 298-96-4

Thiamine hydrochloride, GR, 25 g, CAS# 67-03-8

Thioacetamide, GR, 25 g, CAS# 62-55-5

Thiourea, CP, 1 kg, CAS# 62-56-6

Thiourea, CP, 500 g, CAS# 62-56-6

Thiourea, Extra Pure, 500 g, CAS# 62-56-6

Thymol Blue Solution 0.1%, Indicator_Solution, 500 ㎖, CAS# 76-61-9

Thymol Blue, Indicator, 25 g, CAS# 76-61-9

Thymol, Indicator, 25 g, CAS# 89-83-8

Thymolphthalein Solution 0.1%, Indicator_Solution, 500 ㎖, CAS# 125-20-2

Tin Powder, Extra Pure, 500 g, CAS# 7440-31-5

Titan Yellow, Extra Pure, 25 g, CAS# 1829-00-1

Titanium Dioxide, Extra Pure, 25 kg, CAS# 13463-67-7

Titanium Dioxide, Extra Pure, 500 g, CAS# 13463-67-7

Titanium Powder, Extra Pure, 25 g, CAS# 7440-32-6

Titanium Powder, Extra Pure, 500 g, CAS# 7440-32-6

Toluene Diisocyanate, Extra Pure, 1 kg, CAS# 584-84-9

Toluene, EL, 3.8 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, Extra Pure, 1 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, Extra Pure, 18 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, Extra Pure, 500 ㎖, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, GR, 1 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, GR, 18 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, GR, 2.5 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, GR, 4 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, HPLC, 2.5 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, HPLC, 4 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, PESTICIDE, 4 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluene, Ultimate, 4 ℓ, CAS# 108-88-3

Toluidine Blue, Extra Pure, 25 g, CAS# 92-31-9

Tragacanth powder, Extra Pure, 500 g, CAS# 9000-65-1

TriButyl phosphate, Extra Pure, 1 ℓ, CAS# 126-73-8

Tributylamine, Extra Pure, 1 ℓ, CAS# 102-82-9

Tributylamine, Extra Pure, 500 ㎖, CAS# 102-82-9

Trichloro Ethylene, EL, 3.8 ℓ, CAS# 79-01-6

Trichloro Ethylene, Extra Pure, 1 kg, CAS# 79-01-6